TEST TEMP Profile Details Previous Next BASIC REGISTRATION DETAILS Details of the publication that participates in the contest Registration for? (Select multiples as applicable) * International Color Quality Club (ICQC) Contest Self-Check Best in Print Contest Preferred language * English German Spanish Company Name * First Name * Last Name Gender * Male Female Position E-mail Address * Password * Create your own password (Minimum 4 length ) Strength indicator PUBLICATION DETAIL FOR CONTEST Contest Participation Category * -Select Category- Cat 1: Cold set offset on newsprint Cat 2: Heat-set offset or UV-curing offset on newsprint Cat 3: Heat-set offset or UV-curing offset on SC or LWC paper Cat 4: Extraordinary or own standard printing condition Cat 5: Magazines, - Sheet-fed offset, heat-set, Gravure or Digital Publication TItle City / Printing Plant * Circulation (Daily avg. no. of copies printed at site) * Publication Type * Broadsheet Tabloid Magazine (Quarter fold) Publication Frequency * Daily Weekly Fort-nightly Monthly CONTACT DETAILS Printing plant mailing address * Street Address City State Zip Code Country * Project Manager Name Project Manager Email * Please login to update your profile! Payment type not selected for this form. Please contact admin.