Color Quality Club (ICQC) organized by World Printers Forum (WPF), is the only worldwide biennial quality contest for newspapers and magazines with an objective to improve the print quality.
Fee for one title registration as follows
- WAN-IFRA member Fee : €1,200
The table depics the discounted fee applicable for WAN-IFRA Members as per the number of titles registered. The non-member registration fee would be 50% additional over the member fee mentioned.
“The Self-Check QC tool” is a web based QC tool that helps the publishers/printers to evaluate their print quality on their own, based on ISO 12647-3 standards.It analyses and generates automated reports that includes the performances of parameters like dot gain (curve), color confirmity against ISO standards, color space against ISO , register deviations and grey balance.
Table shows the fee for self-check(specific number of tests on subscribtion basis) with two year validity.